Wednesday, June 3, 2015


I've been so busy this week between taking care of things at home, getting my Ebay listings done for work and traveling back and forth between Dad's house every evening and morning that I totally forgot to post yesterday.  Don't really have time for a good one today, so I'm just checking in.

Fixing to put a pork tenderloin in the oven and bake it because there wasn't enough time to cook it in the crock pot.  Then going to shred it, add sauce, and make BBQ sandwiches for dinner.  Will leave some here for Dwayne and take the rest of Dad's.  Tonight is the last night spending the night with him as Mom and the kiddos will be home tomorrow afternoon. 

When I leave his house tomorrow, I need to go by Goodwill and grab some inventory, then run by the tanning bed for the NLD on my legs.  Then back home to do my listings and whatever chores I need to catch up on.  And tomorrow evening is Boomer's last day of training.  We will see if he retained enough to "graduate" and get his puppy certification.  Oh and Dwayne called me on his way in to work this morning to tell me he caught Boomer humping a couch pillow.  NICE.  He's 7 months old so I guess it's time for neutering. 

I'm off and running again...will be back to post again sometime tomorrow. :)

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